Sistem Penerima Bibit, Kantor Pertanian, Palopo, Efisiensi, EfektivitasAbstract
This journal discusses the design of a system for receiving agricultural seeds at the Palopo Agricultural Office. This system aims to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the seed receiving process, as well as making it easier for farmers to access quality seeds. This system design includes requirements analysis, system design, and implementation. A needs analysis was carried out involving stakeholders, including agricultural office officers and farmers. System design includes development of workflows, forms, and databases. Implementation of the system is carried out through training for officers and outreach to farmers.
Jurnal ini membahas perancangan sistem penerima bibit pertanian di Kantor Pertanian Palopo. Sistem ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas proses penerimaan bibit, serta memberikan kemudahan bagi petani dalam mengakses bibit berkualitas. Perancangan sistem ini meliputi analisis kebutuhan, desain sistem, dan implementasi. Analisis kebutuhan dilakukan dengan melibatkan para pemangku kepentingan, termasuk petugas kantor pertanian dan petani. Desain sistem mencakup pengembangan alur kerja, formulir, dan database. Implementasi sistem dilakukan dengan pelatihan bagi petugas dan sosialisasi kepada petani.
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